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D4AgEcol will provide knowledge for the transition to agroecological farming by identifying appropriate digital tools and technologies.

The project is driven by the vision of the rapid digitalisation of agriculture, which strengthens the agricultural sector.

It involves 12 partners from 8 European countries.

D4AgEcol will last 36 months from 1st September 2022 to 31st August 2025 with a budget of 1.788.059,50€.

The strategic objective of D4AgEcol is to provide knowledge for the transition to agroecological farming by identifying appropriate digital tools and technologies.

Latest News

The @HarperAdamsUni conducted a #DTSW on autonomous robotic machines for arable/cropping systems. Participants from farmers, advisors, researchers or agri-tech specialists discussed the potential contribution on achieving more agroecologically based systems.
Stay tuned!

Can robotics provide the solution to the labour costs of reintroducing diversity for #agroecology? Prof James Lowenberg DeBoer kicks off todays @D4AgEcol workshop @HarperAdamsUni

📢 Great news!
🌿The @HarperAdamsUni organises the #DTSW on the use of autonomous robotic machines to achieve more agroecologically based arable/cropping systems.
🕰️The workshop will be conducted on Friday, 19 April 2024, 9:30-14:30.
Stay tuned!

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